If you need assistance with questions related to the Fire Victim Trust, use one of the following methods to contact the Claims Processor for the Fire Victim Trust.
Mail Fire Victim Trust P.O. Box 25936 Richmond, VA 23260
Important: The contact information and methods listed on this page are for communications with the Claims Processor for the Fire Victim Trust. Prime Clerk is the claims and noticing agent in the bankruptcy cases, responsible for filing Proof of Claim forms with the Bankruptcy Court. Prime Clerk is not responsible for receiving and processing information related to your Fire Victim Trust claims.
Send all media inquiries to: mediarequests@firevictimtrust.com
If you suspect or know of any potential fraud concerning the Fire Victim Trust, you can report it using any of these methods:
Regardless of the method you choose, please include as much detail as possible about the potentially fraudulent activity so that we can fully investigate.
Please describe, to the extent of your knowledge:
We will keep your identity and the source of this information confidential.